Daktronics All Sport 5000 Series Operation Manual User Manual
Page 405

Console Revision History
Added custom code for Colorado State Univ C17773.
Added curling as standard code number 4501.
Added custom code for 8 digit time in track codes 8790 & 8791 and also soccer code
Added max speed setting in speed pitch for accepting received speeds.
Version 4.0.0
Release Date: 30 March 2011
Added an offset selection for RTD output.
Added standard code (4611) for Hockey at Heinz Field.
Add custom code for American Bank Center codes 9122, 9422, 9622.
Changed baseball configuration score by inning default to Yes.
Added addresses 71 and 72 for new baseball board BA-2025 – BA-2029.
Added address 28 and 29 for new soccer board SO-2043.
Added address 32 for new football board FB-2028.
Added custom code for Rose Bowl football code 9623.
Fixed the Clear Hit/Error function to set RTD to space (20hex) and not blank.
Added code for the use of serial eeprom as non-volatile memory, to replace nvram.
Fixed problem of scoreboard outputs not working after going from an old 12.8k baud
code to (Menu New Code) and then running any MDP code.
Version 4.0.1
Release Date: 27 May 2011
Added RTD items for team name possession in football codes.
Added a test code (code 201) for swim module testing.
Version 4.0.2
Release Date: 2 August 2011
Added a tenths of second selection for the shot clock operation.
Fixed a problem with the receive of smart clock data in basketball and football.
Fixed code 9200 for player names not showing in the RTD output.
Added drive chart data for FB, which includes possession, drive direction, side of
field, and ball on.
Version 4.0.3
Release Date: 27 February 2012
Changed shot clock RTD to only update when changes happen, not always every 0.1
Added address 222 to the sports FB, BB, and VB for USD code 9607.
Changed radio broadcast group settings to allow for 8 groups.
Added team substitution key for volleyball to track team substitutions.
Used the update player/foul and player/point settings to determine if DSTI should
update the common area for player/fouls.
Added lacrosse custom code for Univ of Vermont.
Version 4.0.4
Release Date: 15 June 2012
Added address 19 to code 9610.
Added address 20 to tennis codes.
Added support for 16 high 34mm team name display.
Set auto inning increment off in baseball 5519 custom code.
Added electronic captions for basketball board BB-2153 for BB, VB, and WR.
Added custom code for Green Bay, with 2 digit period in football.
Version 4.0.5
Release Date: 4 January 2013