Daktronics All Sport 5000 Series Operation Manual User Manual
Page 401

Console Revision History
Fixed the problem in football in autocalculate where the Ball on - Down - To Go are
all blank after a score is made and the console locks up.
Fixed the Team score update on matside junior scoreboard after reset match and
points are awarded.
Fixed Tenths of a second on the scoreboard occasionally skipping (does not lose
time, just misses on scoreboard) when data from DSTI comes in. Revised how data is
received and removed from serial buffer.
Fixed code 1000 for clock console so set shot time updates on the display after the
time is set.
In code 1000 and 6000 the reset 1 and 2 switches were made to reset and hold the
time until the switch is released.
Version 2.1.6
Release Date: 20 January 2006
Added code 0557 for PortaTree.
Version 2.1.7
Release Date: 24 March 2006
Added a warning time horn for a partial timeout using the full timeout warning time
Made a menu option to select if the team score is shown on team score/adv time
section of the matside board
Added new address to baseball for a 2 driver inning board, model BA-2022
Changed the Mass Sub function in basketball so that it will not exit if you answer NO
to the question of add player
Fixed the Wrestling advantage time edit so if the advantage time is set to 0:00 for one
team and then started for the other team it will count correctly
Added custom code 0091 to replace an existing 2400 time of day console
Added support for receive of DSTI data in Hockey code
Changed baseball code to clear ball, strike, outs at top and bottom of inning, and
clear of batter and average
Added a key to clear the batter number and batter average
Changed entering of average in baseball, so the value is padded with leading 0’s
Added recovery time keys to wrestling
Changed wrestling so the blood/injury times remain on the display until a key is
Version 2.1.8
Release Date 26 May 2006
Added address for FB-2007 to soccer , football and baseball
Fixed speed pitch so the stalker sport gun will work
Added a team name caption for PERIOD/HALF to soccer codes, for Atlanta.
Fixed problem with team name edit in tennis for the second name
Made baseball auto increment of innings update the period text as well
Made the outs +1 key clear ball, strike, batter and average when it switches sides
Version 2.1.9
Release Date 09 August 2006
Fixed a problem with some consoles that will not run test code 0000 in production
2. Added address 24 and 25 to code 6604 and 7604
3. Added possession indicators (full col) to address 16 in football codes
Version 2.2.0
Release Date 08 January 2007
Changed code 9101 to make the dash on full and partial timeouts to always be on
Also added team abbrev to the code, address 222
Added a code 9111 for Georgia Dome