Adobe Premiere Elements 12 User Manual

Page 98

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Smart Trim Options

Smart trimming is of two types, manual and automatic. Manual Smart trimming is the default mode. In this mode, you can specify the options that
determine the trimmable sections. In the automatic Smart trim mode, Premiere Elements automatically determines the trimmable sections. You can
choose to delete them or retain them.

Smart Trim

Manual Smart Trim

1. To enable Smart Trim, click Tools on the Action bar and then select Smart Trim from the Tools panel. By default, Manual Smart Trim Mode

is enabled.

When you are in the manual Smart Trim mode, you see the message, Smart Trim Mode: Trim or Delete The Highlighted Sections,

above the Monitor panel. You also see the Smart Trim Options button.

2. (Optional) Click the Smart Trim Options button on top. In the Smart Trim Options dialog, use the slider to specify the Quality and Interest

options. The values set here determine the trimmable sections. If you do not set the options here, default settings are used.

Premiere Elements analyzes the clip, and highlights the sections of the clip that need trimming. The highlighted sections depend on the
values set for the Quality Level and Interest Level options. Striped patterns are used to highlight the trimmable sections.

3. (Optional) View the bad-quality tags that Adobe Premiere Elements 11 applied on the trim sections by hovering the mouse over the Smart

Trim section of the clip.

4. To select trim sections in a clip, do one of the following:

Double-click the clip in the Expert view timeline to select all the trimmable sections in a single clip.

To select all the trimmable sections in multiple clips, drag a marquee around the selected clips in the Expert view timeline. Right-
click/ctrl-click the trim sections, and choose Select All.

To select all the trimmable sections in multiple clips in the Quick view timeline or the Expert view timeline, select Ctrl-A. Right-
click/ctrl-click a section > Select All.

The selected trim sections are highlighted. When you select a trimmable section, all trimmable sections turn into blue-striped sections.

note: To choose selected trim sections from multiple clips, first select the clips, and select the trim sections.

5. Right-click/ctrl-click a trimmable section (the blue-striped region). The following options are displayed:

Enables you to trim the selected trimmable section.

Enables you to retain the selected trimmable section.

Selects all the trimmable sections in the current selection.

Displays the Smart Trim options.


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