Spherize, Twirl – Adobe Premiere Elements 12 User Manual

Page 164

background image

Anchor Point


Scale Height

Scale Width

Uniform Scale


Skew Axis



Wave Type

Wave Height

Wave Width


Wave Speed


The Spherize effect wraps the clip around a sphere, giving objects and text a three-dimensional appearance. To set the size of the sphere, enter a
Radius value from 0.1 to 2,500. To position the effect, enter horizontal or vertical values for Center Of Sphere.


The Transform effect applies two-dimensional geometric transformations to a clip. Use the Transform effect to skew a clip along any axis. Apply
the Transform effect instead of using a clip’s fixed effects if you want to render anchor point, position, scale, or opacity settings before other
Standard effects are rendered.

Specifies the point, in an x,y coordinate, around which the clip will be scaled or skewed.

Specifies the location, in an x,y coordinate, of the center (anchor point) of the clip.

Scales height up or down as a percentage of the source clip height.

Scales width up or down as a percentage of the source clip width.

Scales height and width proportionately.

Specifies skew amount.

The axis on which the skew is based. Changing the axis has no effect if Skew is 0.

Specifies the number of complete rotations and degree that the clip rotates.

Specifies the degree of transparency of the clip, in percentages.

note: Transform is an Adobe After Effects effect that includes the Shutter Angle control and the Use Composition option; both of which apply only
in Adobe After Effects.


The Twirl effect rotates a clip around its center. The clip is rotated more sharply in its center than at the edges.

Wave Warp

The Wave Warp effect distorts a clip to make it wave-shaped.

Options from a pop-up menu specify the shape of the wave.

Specifies the height of the wave.

Specifies the distance from one wave crest to the next.

Specifies the direction of the wave, in degrees.

Specifies the rate at which the wave pulses during playback.


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