Mosaic, Noise, Replicate – Adobe Premiere Elements 12 User Manual

Page 180: Solarize

background image


Blend With Original

Horizontal/Vertical Blocks

Sharp Colors

Amount Of Noise

Noise Type


Strobe Color

against a white background or colored lines against a black background. When the Find Edges effect is applied, clips often look like sketches or
photographic negatives of the original.

Inverts the clip after the edges are found. When Invert is not selected, edges appear as dark lines on a white background. When Invert is

selected, edges appear as bright lines on a black background.

Adds a percentage of the original source clip to the final result.


The Mosaic effect fills a layer with solid color rectangles. It is useful for creating a highly pixelated clip.

Specifies the number of mosaic divisions in each direction.

Gives each tile the color of the pixel in its center in the unaffected clip. Otherwise, the tiles are given the average color of the

corresponding region in the unaffected clip.


The Noise effect randomly changes pixel values throughout the clip.

Specifies the amount of noise, and therefore the amount of distortion, through random displacement of the pixels. The range is

0% (no effect) to 100% (the clip may not be recognizable).

Randomly changes the red, green, and blue values of the clip’s pixels individually when Use Color Noise is selected. Otherwise, the

same value is added to all channels.

Determines whether the noise causes pixel colors to wrap around. When the color value of a pixel gets as large as it can be, clipping

makes it stay at that value. With unclipped noise, the color value wraps around or starts again at low values. When Clipping is selected, even
100% noise leaves a recognizable clip. If you want a completely randomized clip, turn off Clipping and turn on Color Noise.


The Replicate effect divides the screen into tiles and displays the whole clip in each tile. Set the number of tiles per column and row by dragging
the slider.


The Solarize effect creates a blend between a negative and positive clip, causing the clip to appear to have a halo. This effect is analogous to
briefly exposing a print to light during developing.

Strobe Light

The Strobe Light effect performs an arithmetic operation on a clip at periodic or random intervals. For example, every five seconds a clip could
appear completely white for one-tenth of a second, or a clip’s colors could invert at random intervals.

Specifies the color of the strobe light. Click the white box to choose a color from the Color Picker, or use the eyedropper to select a

color from the clip.


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