Trim titles – Adobe Premiere Elements 12 User Manual

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There are numerous title templates available online for Adobe Premiere Elements.To download and apply Title templates:

1. Right-click/Ctrl-click the Title template.

2. Click Download Now to download selected template. Alternatively, click Download All to download all the Title templates.

3. (Optional) Click the Download In Background button to let the content download in the background while you continue to work in Adobe

Premiere Elements.

When you drag a Title template from the Title And Text panel on to a clip, Adobe Premiere Elements downloads the online content for the
template. It then applies the downloaded content to the template.The blue bar on the top right corner on the content indicates the content is not

You require Internet access to download online content.

Trim titles

To trim all instances of a title throughout a movie, use the Project Assets panel. To trim an individual instance of a title, select it in the Quick view
timeline or the Expert view timeline. Trimming an instance affects the length of the title instance in the Expert view timeline. It does not affect the
length of the original clip in the Project Assets panel.

Trim all instances of a title

1. In the Expert view, click Project Assets to display the Project Assets panel.

2. Double-click the title in the Project Assets panel. The title opens in the Preview window.

3. In the Preview window, do one of the following:

Drag either the Set In handle or the Set Out handle to trim the title.

Drag the current-time indicator to the desired location and click either the Set In button or the Set Out button to establish a new In point
or Out point.

4. In the Preview window, click the Close button.

Adobe Premiere Elements saves the trimmed title in the Project Assets panel.

Trim an individual title instance from the Expert view timeline

1. In the Expert view timeline, locate the title to be trimmed in one of the video tracks. You might need to drag the video track scroll bar to

expose the title.

2. Hover the cursor over either end of the title until it changes to the ripple trim cursor

. Then drag the end of the title to trim it. Gaps are

closed automatically. If you created a black video clip for your title, you’ll need to trim that too.

To trim without closing the gap, Ctrl-drag/Cmd-click the clip end instead.


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