Adobe Premiere Elements 12 User Manual
Page 125

Start At Cut transitionStart At Cut
Center At Cut transitionCenter At Cut
End At Cut transitionEnd At Cut
3. Drag the transition from the Transitions panel to the cut between two clips in the Expert view timeline, and release the mouse button when
one of the following alignment icons appears:
Aligns the beginning of the transition to the beginning of the second clip.
Centers the transition over the cut.
Aligns the end of the transition to the end of the first clip.
Pressing Ctrl while dragging a transition lets you select Start At Cut, Center At Cut, or End At Cut by slowly dragging the transition left
and right over the cut.
Apply a single-sided transition in the Expert view timeline
When you create a single-sided transition, whatever is below the transition in the Expert view timeline appears in the transparent portion of the
transition. For example, If you want the clip to transition to black, it must be on Track 1 or have no clips beneath it. If the clip is on a track above
another clip, the clip on the lower track appears in the transition, so the transition will appear to be double-sided.
1. In the Expert view, click Transitions on the Action bar. The Transitions panel appears.
2. From the Transitions panel select the category containing the transition you want to apply.
3. Do one of the following:
If the clip has no adjacent clip to one side of it, drag the transition from the Transitions panel to the edge of the clip.
If the clip is adjacent to another clip, Ctrl-drag the transition to the edge of the desired clip.
Apply a default transition in the Expert view timeline
1. Do one of the following:
To select non-consecutive clips, Shift-click each clip.
To select consecutive clips, click in the Project Assets panel, and drag a marquee around the selected clips.
To select all the clips, press Ctrl-A.
2. Right-click/ctrl-click the selected clips, and select Apply Default Transition Along CTI.
3. Select one of the following options:
The transition is applied to all the selected clips.
To apply default transitions between multiple contiguous clips on the same track:
1. Ctrl-click the clips to which you want to add the default transition.
2. Right-click/ctrl-click one of the selected clips.
3. Select Apply Default Transition.
The transition is applied at the cut between each of the contiguous clips.