Guidelines for adding files – Adobe Premiere Elements 12 User Manual

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Guidelines for adding files

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Guidelines for adding video files
Guidelines for adding audio files
Guidelines to add image files
Guidelines for adding an animation or still
-image sequence

Guidelines for adding video files

You can add various video file formats to your project. Imported video and sequence files can have frame sizes up to 4096 x 4096 pixels.

Before you add video files that you did not capture yourself, make sure you can view the video outside Premiere Elements. Usually,
double-clicking a video file opens a playback application, such as Windows Media Player and QuickTime player. (Be sure to use the most
up-to-date version of Windows Media Player.) If you can play back your file in the player application, you can usually use that file in Premiere

note: To play back VOB (Video Object) files, use the DVD player that came with your DVD burner.

When adding video files, consider the following:

MPEG file compatibility

An MPEG file can be imported or played in Premiere Elements if it meets the following criteria:

The file must be in a format that Premiere Elements supports.

The compressor used to create the file must be compatible with the Premiere Elements decompressor.

The compatibility requirements for playing compressed files are less stringent than the requirements for editing them. MPEG files that play in
Windows Media Player and QuickTime can be imported or played in Premiere Elements if they meet the compatibility requirements.

note: The first time you import an MPEG-2 file, Premiere Elements automatically activates the components if you are connected to the Internet. If
you are not connected to the Internet, you are prompted to activate the MPEG-2 component. The instructions appear in the Activating Component
dialog box.

Type 1 AVI file render requirements

Render these files before you can preview them from your DV camcorder. To render a Type 1 AVI clip, add it to the Quick view/Expert view
timeline. Build a preview file of that section of the Quick view/Expert view timeline by pressing Enter. If the clip must be rendered, a red line
appears above the clip in the Quick view/Expert view timeline.

DVD file protection

If the DVD is a motion-picture disc that uses copy protection, you cannot add the files.

Guidelines for adding audio files

When you add audio files to a project, they are conformed to the audio sample rate specified in the Project Settings dialog box. During that
process, you’ll see a progress bar in the lower-right corner of the application window. You can play back conformed audio instantly at high quality
because it’s consistent with all other audio in the project.

By default, conformed audio is stored at the location C:\Users\.\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Common\. You can change the
default location of the media cache by choosing one of the following options:

(Windows) Edit > Preferences > Scratch Disks.

(Mac OS) Adobe Premiere Elements 12 > Preferences > Scratch Disks.

After you conform an audio clip, you don’t have to confirm it again unless you delete the corresponding file in the Media Cache folder. If you

delete conformed audio files, Premiere Elements regenerates them when you open related projects.


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