Invert – Adobe Premiere Elements 12 User Manual
Page 186
Noise Reduction
Minimum Level
Noise Reduction
Hum Frequency
The Highpass effect removes frequencies below the specified Cutoff frequency. Use it to reduce low-pitched noises and rumbles.
The Lowpass effect eliminates frequencies above the specified Cutoff frequency. Use it to eliminate high-pitched noises, squeals, and whistles.
The Invert effect inverts the phase of all channels. Use it, for example, to bring the sound of one shot of an event into phase with another shot of
the same event taken from another camcorder.
NewBlue Audio Polish
Audio Polish that cleans and enhances audio. It includes features for noise reduction, compression, brightening the high end and even adding
Sets the amount of noise reduction to apply to the audio. Rotate the knob to the right to decrease background noise.
Boosts lower-level signals, flattening the sound to be more consistent. Compression is especially useful for dialog because it brings
voices up to a constant level. Rotate the knob to the right to increase compression.
Adds a little high end to the signal. Rotate the knob to the right to “brighten” the sound. Brightening help polish muddy recordings.
Adds a little reverberation to the mix. Rotate the knob to the right to increase the amount of reverberation.
NewBlue Auto Mute
Auto Mute reduces background noise by turning off all sound when the signal goes below a specified threshold.
Sets the minimum acceptable signal level. Auto Mute only allows sounds above the minimum level to play. Auto Mute erases the
sound whenever it dips below the minimum level. Turn the knob to the far left and almost every sound level makes it through. Turn it to the right
and sensitivity increases to the point that only the loudest sounds make it through.
Controls the speed at which a sound is removed after its level drops below the minimum threshold. Most sounds have a natural decay to
them. A quick cut immediately after the decay drops below the minimum Level sounds unnatural. On the other hand, the longer the decay, the
more background noise can be heard. Turn the Decay knob to the left for a quick fadeout. Turn the knob to the right for a longer decay.
NewBlue Cleaner
Removes many undesirable sounds from the mix. The effect includes noise-reduction circuitry and tone elimination, useful for removing isolated
tones such as hum.
Sets the amount of noise reduction to apply to the audio. Turn the knob to the right to decrease background noise.
Sets the cut frequency for the tone eliminator. If you know the frequency (such as 60-Hz electric hum), select it. If you don't
know the frequency, perform the following steps:
1. Turn the Hum Cut slider to the far left so that it magnifies the tone.
2. Turn Hum Frequency control to find the spot where the tone that you want to remove is at its loudest.
After you have isolated the frequency, turn the Hum Cut control to the right to set the depth of the tone elimination.
Most tones are not pure; they have overtones, or harmonics. Turn the Hum Harmonics slider to the right to add tone removal of higher harmonics.
Don't overdo it because the increased filtering can also cut desired sounds.