Altera Low Latency Ethernet 10G MAC User Manual

Page 19

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Figure 2-5: Upgrading IP Cores

Double-click to
upgrade in editor
(no auto upgrade)

Upgrade required

Migration details

Supports Auto

Upgrade success

1. Click File > Open Project and open the Quartus II project containing IP for migration to another

device in the original version of the Quartus II software.

2. To specify a different target device for migration, click Assignments > Device and select the target

device family.

3. To display IP cores requiring migration, click Project > Upgrade IP Components. The Description

field prompts you to run auto update or double-click IP cores for migration.

4. To migrate one or more IP cores that support automatic upgrade, ensure that the Auto Upgrade

option is turned on for the IP core(s), and then click Perform Automatic Upgrade. The Status and

Version columns update when upgrade is complete.

5. To migrate an IP core that does not support automatic upgrade, double-click the IP core name, and

then click OK. The parameter editor appears.
a. If the parameter editor specifies a Currently selected device family, turn off Match project/

default, and then select the new target device family.

b. Click Finish to migrate the IP variation using best-effort mapping to new parameters and settings.

A new parameter editor opens displaying best-effort mapped parameters.

c. Click Generate HDL, and then confirm the Synthesis and Simulation file options. Verilog HDL is

the defauilt output file format specified. If your original IP core was generated for VHDL, select

VHDL to retain the original output format.


Migrating IP Cores to a Different Device



Altera Corporation

Getting Started with LL Ethernet 10G MAC

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