Getting started with ll ethernet 10g mac, Introduction to altera ip cores, Getting started with ll ethernet 10g mac -1 – Altera Low Latency Ethernet 10G MAC User Manual

Page 10: Introduction to altera ip cores -1

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Getting Started with LL Ethernet 10G MAC





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This chapter provides a general overview of the Altera IP core design flow to help you quickly get started

with LL Ethernet 10G MAC. The Altera IP Library is installed as part of the Quartus II installation

process. You can select and parameterize any Altera IP core from the library. Altera provides an

integrated parameter editor that allows you to customize the MAC IP core to support a wide variety of

applications. The parameter editor guides you through the setting of parameter values and selection of

optional ports.

Introduction to Altera IP Cores

Altera and strategic IP partners offer a broad portfolio of off-the-shelf, configurable IP cores optimized for

Altera devices. The Quartus


II software installation includes the Altera IP library. You can integrate

optimized and verified Altera IP cores into your design to shorten design cycles and maximize

performance. You can evaluate any Altera IP core in simulation and compilation in the Quartus II

software. The Quartus II software also supports integration of IP cores from other sources. Use the IP

Catalog to efficiently parameterize and generate synthesis and simulation files for a custom IP variation.

The Altera IP library includes the following categories of IP cores:
• Basic functions

• DSP functions

• Interface protocols

• Low power functions

• Memory interfaces and controllers

• Processors and peripherals
Note: The IP Catalog (Tools > IP Catalog) and parameter editor replace the MegaWizard


Manager for IP selection and parameterization, beginning in Quartus II software version 14.0. Use

the IP Catalog and parameter editor to locate and paramaterize Altera and other supported IP


Related Information

IP User Guide Documentation

Altera IP Release Notes


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