EXFO FTB-8500 Series for FTB-200 User Manual
Page 148

I/F Setup Tabs
FTB-8500 Series and FTB-8120NGE/8130NGE
Advanced Auto-Neg. TX
Note: Only None is available for BERT analyzer test.
Note: Flow Control should be set to None with Half Duplex mode.
Link Partner
Asym. & Sym. Local: Only the TX Pause is enabled.
L. P.: Only the RX pause is enabled. Backpressure is only
performed on the L. P. side.
On both sides the RX and TX pause is enabled.
Backpressure is performed on both sides.
Asym. & Sym. On both sides the RX and TX pause is enabled.
Backpressure is performed on both sides.
Asym. & Sym. Asym.
Local: Only the RX pause is enabled. Backpressure is
only performed on the local side.
L. P.: Only the TX pause is enabled.
Asym. & Sym. Sym.
On both sides the RX and TX pause is enabled.
Backpressure is performed on both sides.
Asym. & Sym. Asym. & Sym. On both sides the RX and TX pause is enabled.
Backpressure is performed on both sides.