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ON/OFF: turns on/off the parametric EQ, affecting all filters from this section. When the value is
OFF (top left button greyed out), there is no filter processing (all filters are bypassed). In the
opposite case (green button), operation is determined by the other parameters.
FILTER TYPE: type of filter used. You can select one of the following filter types (adjustable
controls for each filter type are shown between brackets):
Bypass: filter not used.
Parametric EQ (FREQUENCY, GAIN, Q): classic parametric equalizer filter with
adjustable central frequency (between 20 Hz and 20 kHz), gain or attenuation at central
frequency (between +12 dB and -60 dB) and bandwidth (1/Q, Q between 0.3 and 200).
Low-Shelf and High-Shelf with a 6 or 12 dB/oct slope (FREQUENCY, GAIN): shelving
type filters with adjustable cut-off frequency (between 20 Hz and 20 kHz) and gain or
attenuation (between +12 dB and –60 dB).
Low-Pass and High-Pass with a 6 or 12 dB/oct slope (FREQUENCY): these are low-pass
and high-pass filters with adjustable cut-off frequency (between 20 Hz and 20 kHz).
All-Pass order 1 and 2 (FREQUENCY, Q in order 2): all-pass filters that do not affect the
signal amplitude, but the phase at certain frequencies (in contrast with delay, which
changes phase at all frequencies). This type of filter is mainly used to compensate for
phase errors in speakers or other causes, such as phase shifts introduced by the