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The aspect of the OUTPUTS section of the MIMO88CONF for outputs 5 to 8 and 9 to 16 is as follows:
This image shows the following differences compared to the output groups 1 to 4 and 9 to 12:
An output signal should be selected in the list (OUT1 to OUT4 and OUT9 to OUT12)
No processing except the DELAY setting, especially useful when using these outputs to deliver a
signal to a sound reinforcement system located at some distance from the main speakers, and to
time-align the main speakers and the reinforcement speakers
8.6. DUCKERS Section
The aspect of the DUCKERS section of the MIMO88CONF is as follows:
The differences compared to the standard version are:
No PAGER modules (so this version is not compatible with the MPAGE16 paging station)
One single DUCKER module for handling signals with highest priority (emergency or evacuation
messages, etc.). The module can act directly on the 4 or 8 outputs with full mixing functionality (1
to 4 / 9 to 12). If one of them is selected as sound source for any of the outputs 5 to 8 or 13 to 16,
the DUCKER will also act on the destination output(s).