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8.1. MIMO88 CONFERENCE introduction

The new MIMO88 CONFERENCE has been specially designed for conferencing applications and
generally for all applications that require an automatic mixing of microphone signals and / or feedback
cancellation (audio feedback or Larsen effect).

The differences between the "CONFERENCE" version (hereinafter MIMO88CONF) and the standard
version of the MIMO88 digital matrix are:

 Identical hardware for both versions

 Different firmware between standard version and conference version

Consequently, any MIMO88 hardware can be upgraded with either firmware to convert it as a standard
MIMO88 version or a MIMO88CONF. The process is simple and quick, and can be performed as many
times as necessary, so that by having MIMO88 hardware units it's possible to provide customers and
users any version of MIMO88, depending on the intended application.

MIMO88CONF basically shares many of the standard MIMO88 functions:

 Inputs and outputs processing (levels, EQ, noise gate, etc..), with slight differences from the

standard version

 Management of the routing matrix (state and levels of the crossing points), with slight differences

from the standard version

 Management of priority signals (evacuation, emergency)

 Management of GPI and GPO control ports

 Management of digital and analogue remote controls (WPTOUCH, etc.)
 Presets


 Events


 Individual configurations (8 in, 8 out) or as a MASTER/SLAVE couple (16 in, 16 out)

 Programming and control using EclerNet Manager application software

 Remote control via TP-NET, Ethernet or RS-232 protocol (Third-Party Protocol)

 Remote control via UCP (User Control Panels)

And presents some differences compared to a standard MIMO88:



o Each input channel includes the Frequency Shifter function,

independently enabled (also included in the new versions of the
standard MIMO88)

o Delay is removed from inputs, it is available on outputs only

 OUTPUTS Section: EQ including 4 parametric filters, without crossovers

 MATRIX Section: 4 outputs with totally independent routing (1 to 4) + 4 outputs (5 to 8) that can

receive the processed signal from one of the first 4 outputs, while independently maintaining
volume controls and DELAY

 DUCKERS Section: PAGER modules are removed and a DUCKER module is enabled for the

management of emergency / evacuation signals

 AUTOMIXER Section: new section for the configuration of the automatic mixing

 FEEDBACK KILLER Section: new section for the configuration of the 2 available modules

dedicated to feedback cancellation, each one of them including 8 notch filters with automatic

 REMOTES Section: MPAGE16 digital remote control type is deleted, as PAGER modules are not

available in this version

The reason for these differences lies in the need to accommodate the new high-demand features DSP
code in the device processors. It was necessary to optimize the resulting code in which certain features
of the standard version have been set aside for the benefit of the MIMO88CONF new features.