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Available from any channel view (Project Explorer, Project Explorer Helper, Groups window, etc.).
1. Rename (F2): allows the channel to be renamed.
2. Edit Comments: allows a brief comment about the channel
to be added/modified (configuration, role in the Project,
3. Remove from Group: removes the channel from the group
the context menu has been opened for.
4. Go to Device: automatically selects the device the targeted
channel belongs to, showing it in the currently active
windows (graphic or table).
5. Move Up (ctrl +
): moves up the selected channel (changes the order within a group).
6. Move Down (ctrl +
): moves down the selected channel (changes the order within a group).
Device Group context menu:
Available from any device group view (Project Explorer, Groups window).
1. Rename (F2): allows the device group to be renamed.
2. Edit Comments: allows a brief comment about the device
group to be added/modified (configuration, role in the
Project, etc.).
3. Delete: totally removes the group from the Project.
4. Add Device: adds a new device to the group and therefore
to the Project.
5. Add Multiple Devices: adds several new devices to the
current Project.
o Device Type: selects in a list of compatible EclerNet
device types the one to add.
o Number: number of devices to add.
6. Add Device Group: opens a dialog box to create a new
device group in the current Project.
o Group Name: allows the new device group to be
Note: you can create a group within a group (see section: 4. EclerNet PROJECT)
7. Empty: removes all devices from the group, leaving it empty.
8. Move Up (ctrl +
): moves up the selected group (changes the order).
9. Move Down (ctrl +
): moves down the selected group (changes the order).
10. Connect All: connects all group devices to the network, so they become available for remote
control from EclerNet Manager.
11. Activate Device Finder: enables the Device Finder for all online devices within the group.
12. Deactivate Device Finder: disables the Device Finder for all online devices within the group.