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7.12.2. Simple digital events
If you select the DIGITAL (SIMPLE) type for the new event, you must choose the stimulus associated
with this trigger using the SOURCE selector:
A simple digital event consists of a single stimulus, which may be a GPI port input, a virtual control from
an UCP control panel (see section: 8. User Control Panels (U.C.P.)), a programmable key of
MPAGE16 station (F1 and F2 keys), PAGE key or PAGE function activated for a zone 1 to 16 (ie
selected zone + PAGE key pressed) or the output of another event previously created, thus
concatenating two events.
If GPI is selected, you need to specify the GPI port and the DIRECT/REVERSE polarity:
DIRECT: for rising edge-triggering, from 0VDC to 10VDC
REVERSE: for falling edge-triggering, from 10VDC to 0VDC
With this setting, a switch can for example toggle a MUTE control when pressed (contact closed) or vice
If an UCP virtual control is selected as stimulus, we need to specify which one among the 16 that are
available and how the stimulus is interpreted, DIRECT / REVERSE (when you press or release), as in
the previous case: