Rockwell Automation 23P PowerFlex Digital DC Drive User Manual
Page 197

Rockwell Automation Publication 20P-UM001K-EN-P - July 2014
Programming and Parameters
Chapter 3
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tal In
Option Definitions for [Digital Inx Sel], Continued
Note: When assigning digital inputs to certain options that are associated with parameters, those parameter values may be overwritten by the state of the digital input.
Parameter Name & Description
page 114
for symbol descriptions
Diam Reset
Sets the diameter starting value to the value in Par 1168 [Diam Preset Sel].
DiamCalc Dis
Enables/disables the diameter calculation (Par 1161 [Diameter Calc Dis]).
Torq Wind En
Enables/disables the Center wind function (Par 1209 [Torque Winder En]).
Speed Match
When asserted, issues the coil 'launch phase' command for automatic switching (Par 1195 [Speed Match]).
Diam I/D En
Enables/disables the ability of the diameter calculation to increase for an unwider or decrease for a winder (Par 1205 [Diam Inc Dec En]).
Wind/Unwind Sets the value of Par 1187 [Winder Type] to “0” Winder or “1” Unwinder.
Diam Preset0 -
Selects the value of Par 1164 [Diam Preset 0], 1165 [Diam Preset 1], Par 1166 [Diam Preset 2], or Par 1167 [Diam Preset 3] See Par 1168 [Diam Preset
Taper Enable
Enables/disables the Taper function (Par 1176 [Taper Enable]).
Enables/disables the speed reference calculation (winder operation), (Par 1215 [Speed Demand En]).
Winder Side
Selection of the winding/unwinding side (0 = up, 1 = down).
PI-PD Enable
Selection between PI and PD (winder operation), (Par 1201 [Winder Side]).
Jog TW En
Enables/disables the Torque Winder jog function (Par 1256 [Jog TW Enable]).
Invert Flt
Must be used when the digital input is wired to the status of an inverting fault device (fuse, circuit breaker, etc.). Removing the input causes an
“Inverting Fault” (F37).
Flt MicroPsn
Dual function when Torque Prove mode is enabled. When the drive is operating within the float tolerance zone, the input will hold the drive in the
“float” function. The float function is defined as holding off the setting of the brake while the drive holds zero speed. When the input is active and the
drive is operating outside the float tolerance zone, the drive will operate at a percentage (set in Par 1112 [MicroPsnScalePct]) of the commanded
reference. Operation is also affected by the value of Par 1100 [Torq Prove Cfg], bit 2 “Micro Psn.”
Fwd EndLimit Assigns a digital input, that when asserted, triggers a “forward end limit” function that results in the drive executing a “Fast Stop” command. This
condition is latched so that, while active, starting in the same direction only provides a zero speed reference. Latching also lets the load travel past the
end limit (digital input opens) when stopping. Starting in the opposite direction will use the normal speed reference and the condition will unlatch only
after this digital input opens and the load moves past the forward end limit. This function is usually used with a limit switch near the point at which the
drive stops.
Fwd DecLimit Assigns a digital input, that when asserted, triggers a “forward decel limit” function that results in forcing the speed reference to Preset Speed 1
(Par 154). The forced reference remains in effect until the direction is changed. This function is usually used with a limit switch and initiates the slowing
down process prior to encountering the end limit.
Rev EndLimit
Assigns a digital input, that when asserted, triggers a “reverse end limit” function that results in the drive executing a “Fast Stop” command. This
condition is latched so that so that, while active, starting in the same direction will only provides a zero speed reference. Latching also lets the load
travel past the end limit (digital input opens) when stopping. Starting in the opposite direction will use the normal speed reference and the condition
will unlatch only after this digital input opens and the load moves past the reverse end limit. This function is usually used with a limit switch near the
point at which the drive stops.
Rev DecLimit
Assigns a digital input, that when asserted, triggers a “reverse decel limit” function that results in forcing the speed reference to Preset Speed 1
(Par 154). The forced reference remains in effect until the direction is changed. This function is usually used with a limit switch and initiates the slowing
down process prior to encountering the end limit.
Fwd Ovr Trvl
Assigns a digital input, that when asserted, triggers a “forward over-travel” function which results in an immediate fault (and zero torque). After
resetting the fault, the drive will only restart in the opposite direction. The fault is prevented from reoccurring until the digital input becomes
unasserted. This function is usually used with a limit switch in a position beyond the end limit, as an extra safety limit to prevent torque from damaging
the machine in an over-travel situation.
Rev Ovr Trvl
Assigns a digital input, that when asserted, triggers a “reverse over-travel” function which results in an immediate fault (and zero torque). After
resetting the fault, the drive will only restart in the opposite direction. The fault is prevented from reoccurring until the digital input becomes
unasserted. This function is usually used with a limit switch in a position beyond the end limit, as an extra safety limit to prevent torque from damaging
the machine in an over-travel situation.
Lift Stop
Assigns a digital input, that when asserted triggers a “lift stop” function which results in a current limit stop (0 sec). This function is enabled by setting
Par 1100 [Torq Prove Cfg], bit 8 “Lift Stop Bk” (=1).