Appendix – Lenze PLC Designer ApplicationTemplate (PLC Designer R3-x) User Manual
Page 135
Lenze · ApplicationTemplate · 1.3 EN - 04/2013
The sample program in the ApplicationTemplateCounter
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Sample programs in the machine module MM_Module1/MM_Module2
The respective module application calls the state machine.
• Example: In the case of the MM_Module1 machine module, the
module application calls the state machine.
[12-1] Example: MAP_Module1_App1 module application (MM_Module1 machine module)
Mode2 Decrementing (5 units per second)
• In "mode2" of module 2 the data can be transferred in a locked/unlocked
manner (data consistency).
Service Load value 456
Fault Set current value to zero.
Systemfault Set current value to zero.
Add the value of module 1 to the value of module 2:
<value module1> + <value module2>
Subtract the value of module 2 from the value of module 1:
<value module1> - <value module2>
Machine module/state
: Timer for mode1/automatic mode
: Method call. Statemachine(): Show states/SMDispatcherCaller(): Call action (depending on the status)
: Integrate external visualization
: Call method SetErrors()/error handling