Apple Shake 4 Tutorials User Manual
Page 220

Chapter 7
Tracking and Stabilization
The sign is a neutral grey color. Some warm color makes it stick out a bit and draws the
viewer’s attention (though not too much—it still has to be integrated into the scene).
You can tint it yellow with Compress1, but you then must have the same modification
for all of your keyframes, which is cumbersome. A better idea is to use the Mult node to
tint the image. As Compress and Mult concatenate, there is no loss of color quality. This
is good. Very good.
Load the Mult1 parameters.
Using the Color control, tint the sign yellow.
The sign is now yellowish, but the red of “Joe’s” is too bright. Use the Saturation node to
lower the overall saturation of the sign. You may need to boost the Mult1 node to
In the Saturation1 parameters, lower the saturation value.
Note: Saturation does not concatenate with other nodes.
The three nodes (Compress1, Mult1, and Saturation1) demonstrate an advantage of
working with nodes and concatenation. Because Compress1 is animated, it is awkward
to apply adjustments to the overall color for the entire clip length within the Compress
node. By breaking these steps into separate nodes, you do not have to adjust each
Next, because the Compress node raised the black levels in infinite space, the Color–
SetBGColor is used to set the area outside of the image area to a specific color (black by
default). If the sign has a soft mask, you must use a MDiv/MMult pair.
Test the effect of the SetBGColor1 node:
In the Node View, select the SetBGColor1 node and press I to ignore it.
Press I again to activate the SetBGColor1 node.
The sign is color balanced in the scene, but the shadow, created with the AddShadow
node, needs to be adjusted. Without this node, the sign has no feeling of depth.
To adjust the sign shadow:
In the AddShadow1 parameters, set the xOffset and yOffset to approximately –5.
Set fuzziness to approximately 35.