Layering background elements to smooth edges – Apple Shake 4 Tutorials User Manual

Page 109

background image

Chapter 3

Depth Compositing


If you’re happy with the results at this point, then you’re done!

Otherwise, you can add some additional nodes to improve the composite. The depth-
script, located in your $HOME/nreal/Tutorial_Media/Tutorial_03/scripts
directory, includes these final changes.

Layering Background Elements to Smooth Edges

Our little zeppelin has turned out to be problematic in the composite. Notice the hard
edge between the right end of the zeppelin and the building in front of it. This
happens because of the soft edge created by the reflective glow of the building.

You can create a smoother transition between the elements by layering a cropped
copy of the building’s edge (from the city_bg image) over the balloons image. If this
were an image sequence or clip, you’d need to animate the rotoshape to any
movement in the clip.