The joy of jpeg – Apple Shake 4 Tutorials User Manual
Page 176

Chapter 5
Using Keylight
To begin the composite:
Add an Image–FileIn node, then load the saint_fg.1-5#.jpg and saint_bg.1-5#.jpg image
The first thing you notice is that these are anamorphic frames, so everything is
squeezed. Additionally, the element is originally a scanned Cineon plate, so it is in
logarithmic color space. First, focus on the aspect ratio issue.
In the Globals tab, open the useProxy subtree and set the proxyRatio to 0.5.
Note: You can also set the proxy in the useProxy value field as 1, 0.5.
The images are squeezed by half in the Y axis.
This squeezing can be turned on and off very quickly with the proxy button in the
upper-right corner of the Shake interface. “Other” (highlighted in green) indicates that
you are using a custom proxy setting rather than a preset (P1, P2, P3). The proxy scaling
is just temporary while you work with the script. When finished with the composite, set
the proxyRatio back to 1.
The Joy of JPEG
Never use JPEG images for any footage you have to key. The compression causes
major problems, as you will find in this tutorial. Also, do not use JPEG images for
video interlaced footage, as the fields become corrupted.
proxyRatio = 1
proxyRatio = 0.5