SkyTrak 6036 Service Manual User Manual
Page 35

Model 6036 Legacy
General Information and Specifications
Drive Shaft Splines
IMPORTANT: DO NOT disassemble any of the drive
shafts (refer to Section 5, “Axles, Drive Shafts, Wheels
and Tires” of this manual for information covering drive
shafts and U-joints). To help ensure optimum performance,
the drive shaft assemblies are specially balanced as a
unit at the factory. When servicing any flange yoke, slip
yoke or drive shaft tube, order a complete assembly.
Refer to the appropriate parts manual for ordering
Respective of the above statement, should it become
necessary to coat the transmission input drive shaft
splines, use molybdenum disulfide grease. Molybdenum
disulfide grease is specifically formulated for this purpose
and is marketed by several manufacturers under various
names, including:
Aldrich Chemical Co., Inc.
Product name:
Catalog Number: 23,484-2
Package Size: 5 g (0.175 oz)
100 g (3.5 oz)
500 g (17.5 oz)
Aldrich Chemical Co., Inc.
P.O. Box 335
Milwaukee, WI 53201 USA
Phone: (414) 273-3850
Product name:
77 Paste
Dow Corning Corporate Center
P.O. Box 994
Midland, MI 48686-0994 USA
Phone: (517) 496-4400
General Anti-Corrosion
a. Anti-Corrosion Compound
For general anti-corrosion protection, use a wax film rust
inhibitor that provides a protective film two ten-thousandths
of an inch (0.0002" or 0,00005 mm) thick. One such rust
inhibitor that is specifically formulated for this purpose is
LPS 3. It is marketed by:
LPS Laboratories, Inc.
4647 Hugh Howell Rd.
Tucker, GA 30085-5052 USA
Phone: 1-800-241-8334
Fax: (770) 493-9206
Note: Anti-corrosion protection is especially important in
frame and stabilizer cylinder pin support bores for
protection from fretting corrosion wear.
b. Anti-Corrosion Need Areas
Coat all unplated pins and all bores for cylinder pins,
attachment pivot pins, chain sheave pins, the quick attach
lock pin, and all quick attach lock pin bores. On the boom,
coat the fork shaft and unpainted boom slide pathways.
a. Basic Ratings
Battery Rating ....................... 12V DC Negative Ground
Battery Type
Maintenance-Free ..............(1000 Cold Cranking Amps)
Series of Battery ............................................. Series 31
Number of Batteries ........................................... One (1)
Alternator Rating .............................................. 65 Amps
b. Fuse Ratings
Main ...................................................................40 Amp
Light Switch Relay ............................................7.5 Amp
Instrument Cluster..............................................10 Amp
Horn/Heater .......................................................10 Amp
Steer Select Switch ............................................10 Amp
Optional Washer/Wipers ....................................10 Amp
Lights .................................................................30 Amp
Transmission.....................................................7.5 Amp
c. Relay Ratings
Park Brake Disengage .............................................12V
Headlight Switch ......................................................12V
Light Switch..............................................................12V
Neutral Start .............................................................12V
Back-up ....................................................................12V