HP XP RAID Manager Software User Manual

Page 162

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HP StorageWorks Disk Array XP RAID Manager: User’s Guide

The target BC volume must be SMPL or P-VOL.

–g group

Specifies a group name in the RM instance
configuration file.

The command executes for the entire group unless the

–d pair_vol

argument is specified.


Displays Help/Usage and version information.


When this command cannot use a remote host because
it is down, this option allows execution of this
command by a local host only.

The target volume of a local host must be SMPL or

BC/SnapShot volumes can be specified from the


Causes the pairing status is reported immediately.

When this option is specified, the –t and –s options are


Terminates interactive mode and exits this command.

–s status

Specifies the waiting status (SMPL, COPY [including
RCPY], PAIR, PSUS, or PSUE). If two or more
statuses are specified following –s, waiting occurs
according to the logical OR of the specified statuses.
This argument is not valid when the –nowait argument
is specified.

–t timeout

[ interval ]

Specifies the amount of time, in one-second intervals,
to wait for the specified state. If [interval] is not
specified, the, the default value is used. This argument
is not valid when the –nowait argument is specified. If
the interval is specified as greater than 1999999, a
warning message is displayed.