Playback level – Gilderfluke&Co Sd-50 Audio & Show Controllers User Manual

Page 93

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A Binary Select pattern can be used to directly access all possible 255 Show or SoundFiles which can be loaded onto a

Sd-50/xx. If you are assigning inputs as part of a binary address, you should start by assigning ‘bit #0’. It is on this input that
you will be able to tell the Sd-50/xx to start, stop, or change volumes (fade in or out). The other inputs can then be assigned
as binary bits ‘1’, ‘2’, ‘3’ etc.. The number of bits used will determine how many Show and SoundFiles can be directly se-
lected through the inputs:

# of binary

bits used


# of Shows/SoundFiles


0 to 0

1 Show/SoundFile

0 to 1

3 Shows/SoundFiles

0 to 2

7 Shows/SoundFiles

0 to 3

15 Shows/SoundFiles

0 to 4

31 Shows/SoundFiles

0 to 5

63 Shows/SoundFiles

0 to 6

127 Shows/SoundFiles

0 to 7

255 Shows/SoundFiles

It is pointless to assign more bits than you have SoundFiles. i.e.: If you have twelve SoundFiles, don’t assign any bits

numbers above ‘3’.

When a group of inputs are acting as binary selects, any change in the inputs is considered a ‘closing’. All the inputs

going to ‘zero’ value simultaneously is considered an ‘opening’. All opening and closing actions are configured by selecting
‘Bit #0’.

Any input can be used as any bit number. You are not limited to assigning input ‘3’ as ‘bit #3’ in the binary input pattern.

This allows you to do miswire the inputs, and correct it in the configuration.

If you have fifteen or less Shows that you need to access through a binary pattern, use the ‘


inputs on the top of the

Sd-50/8 or Sd-50/40 instead of the

" J6

’ inputs.

As a shortcut, buttons are available to quickly set the inputs as ‘All unused’, ‘All Independent’ or ‘All Binary’. If any bits

are assigned as binary bits, these will be shown below these buttons.

For each independent input, you can set a different action for the ‘closing’ edges (when power starts flowing through the

optoisolators on the inputs) and ‘opening’ edges (when current stops lowing through the optoisolators).

Playback Level

These options are not available if you are triggering a show with this input. This popup allows

you to select a change in audio level on the outputs on this input/edge. Your options are:

Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485

Sd-50/xx Manual / October 29, 2012 2:29 PM / page 93 of 120