Gilderfluke&Co Ir-Passive Instructions User Manual
Settings, Jumpers, Adjustment

The ‘NC/NO’ jumper is
normally removed so that
the sensor is operated in
the ‘Normally Open’ (‘NO’
mode. When the sensor is
tripped, the ‘Alarm’ outputs
are closed. When it is idle,
the ‘Alarm’ output is open.
On the GilderGear that the
IR-Passive will be trigger-
ing, set the show or sound
to start on the ‘closing’
edge, and set it for ‘un-
steppable’ so it isn;’t retrig-
gered each time the sensor
The ‘PC’ jumper is for
selecting between two or
three ‘Pulse Counts’ before
the sensor trips. With the
jumper in place, the sensor
is slightly more sensitive
than when you have the
jumper removed.
The ‘LED’ jumper dis-
ables the red indicator LED
on the IR-Passive when it is
If your Ir-Passive has a
‘Walk Test’ (‘WT’) jumper,
temporarily remove it to
test the sensitivity of the Ir-
I f t h e I r - P a s s i v e i s
mounted on a wall facing
horizontally, you can adjust
the minimum height of
objects it can see by loos-
ening the ‘Fixing Screw’
and sliding the PCB up-
wards and downwards. By
sliding the PCB down-
wards, it will shoot over
small moving objects like
children and other small
Fifteen percent of all Americans spend an average of ten minutes
each day searching for their television remote controls.
- Eli the Mule, CEM
“I am proud of the fact that I never invented weapons to kill”
- Thomas Edison
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GilderHeadquarters • 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502-2102 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • FAX: 818/840-9485
GilderAppNote • Monday, November 29, 2010
Wiring the Ir-Passive Motion Detector
The Ir-Passive requires a 9 to 24 vdc power supply to run. This can be an independent power
supply, or power can be ‘borrowed’ from the GilderGear or some other equipment in your installa-
tion. The Ir-Passive may be damaged by supply voltages over 24 vdc, so do not use an unregulated
24 vdc power supply.
The Ir-Passive provides a ‘dry’ switch closure to the GilderGear it is controlling. All GilderGear has
optically isolated inputs, and most will need you to supply a voltage in order to trigger the input.
You can borrow this from the voltage that is used to run the Ir-Passive:
Sd-10, Sd-25,
Sd-50, etc.
- 9-24 vdc + N/O switch
For attaching to inputs that have the option of using ‘internal’ power, the contacts can be wired
directly to the inputs:
1/4 J6 on
Br-Brain4, Sd-50,
etc., set for
'internal power'
- 9-24 vdc + N/O switch
The normally closed ‘Tamper Switch’ contacts are not normally used. They open when the Ir-
Passive’s cover is opened.