Gilderfluke&Co BR-ANA Analog Output Smart/Dumb Brick User Manual

Br-ana, Sixteen output analog card

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Sixteen Output Analog Card



The Br-ANA is used when you need to control anything that needs

a 0-10 vdc analog control voltage. These include animated shows,

lighting, motion base simulators, pneumatic and hydraulic systems,

special effects, signs, fountains, and more.

A Digital device is either on or off, like a light switch. An Analog device

is on, off, or at any point between, like a light dimmer. The speed of the
change is set by how fast you turn the knob. In animation, analog

movements give the fluid, lifelike movements needed to bring an ani-

mated figure to life. They can move fast, slow or anywhere in between.


Br-ANA is a controller with sixteen 0-10 volt analog outputs, a full

512 channel universe of DMX-512 input and output and a legacy port for
attaching Z-Bricks. The analog outputs are oversampled at four times the

showʼs frame rate, so they are typically updated at 120 Hz for ultra

smooth analog outputs.


For storing shows, the Br-ANA uses any standard Sd or

SdHC flash card. These can hold months worth of shows! For

triggering those shows, there are four optically isolated inputs, or

the RS-422 networkable serial port can be used.

Br-ANAs can be used as standalone show controllers, as a ʻmasterʼ, con-
trolling slaves attached to a DMX-512 network, or they themselves can be

ʻslavesʼ, following data sent to them through a DMX-512 network.


The Br-ANA can also be used a as ʻSmartʼ Brick, receiving time code

information from a ʻSmartʼ Brick Brain, and using this time code to access
the shows stored on its local Sd- or SdHC flash card to update its outputs.

Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485

Br-ANA Manual / December 18, 2012 10:21 AM / page 1 of 60