Ip addressing, What is an ip address, Choosing ip addresses – Extron Electronics DVS 510 Series User Guide User Manual

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DVS 510 Series • Reference Information 116

IP Addressing

What is an IP Address?

An IP address is a 32-bit binary number that is used to identify each device on an Ethernet
network. This number is usually represented by four decimal numbers (each in the range
of 0 to 255) separated by dots, such as This is called “dotted decimal
An IP address is divided into two parts:

Network identifier

Host identifier

Each address on a given network must have the same network identifier value but a unique
host identifier. As a result, there are different classes of addresses that define the range of
valid addresses and which parts of the address are used for the network and host identifiers.
The table below shows the most common IP address classes. In this table,


refers to the

network identifier and


refers to the host identifier.

Class Name

Valid Address Range

Identifier Arrangement

Class A to


Class B to


Class C to


Choosing IP Addresses

If the computer and the DVS are directly connected or connected via their own independent
network, follow the guidelines below to choose the IP addresses.
However, if you intend to connect your computer and scaler to an existing network, you
need to ask the network administrator to allocate suitable IP addresses.
On an independent network, it is generally recommended that you use the Class C format
(from to
There are two rules for choosing IP addresses:

The network identifier must be the same for each IP address.

The host identifier must be unique for each address.

By these rules, the first three decimal values of your class C IP address must all be the same,
while the last value is identifies each device.
The following is an example of a valid Class C addressing scheme:


IP Address

SPPCP Control Software Computer

DVS 510

NOTE: The host identifiers (41 and 42 in the example above) do not need to be

sequential or in any particular order. However, it is recommended that you group
the numbers for simplicity.