Ini file activation – Freescale Semiconductor Microcontrollers User Manual
Page 847

Debugger Engine Environment Variables
Local Configuration File (usually project.ini)
Microcontrollers Debugger Manual
• The toolbar, status bar, heading line, title bar and small border can be specified in the
default section:
– The toolbar can be shown or hidden with the following syntax:
Toolbar = (0 | 1)
If 1 is specified, the toolbar is shown, otherwise the toolbar is hidden.
– The status bar can be shown or hidden with the following syntax:
Statusbar = (0 | 1)
If 1 is specified, the status bar is shown, otherwise the toolbar is hidden.
– Title bars can be shown or hidden with the following syntax:
Hidetitle = (0 | 1)
If 1 is specified, the title bars are hidden, otherwise they are shown.
– The heading lines can be shown or hidden with the following syntax:
Hideheadlines = (0 | 1)
If 1 is specified, the heading lines are hidden otherwise they are shown.
– The border can be reduced with the following syntax:
Smallborder = (0 | 1)
If 1 is specified, borders are thin otherwise they are normal.
• The environment variable BPTFILE authorizes the creation of breakpoint files; they
may be enabled or disabled. All breakpoints of the currently loaded .abs file are
saved in a breakpoints file. BPTFILE may be ON (default) or OFF. When ON,
breakpoint files are created. When OFF, breakpoint files are not created.
BPTFILE =(On | Off)
Target specific environment variables can also be defined in the
file. Refer to the specific target manual for details.
Ini File Activation
When a project file (PROJECT.INI) is activated, the following occurs (from first action
to last):
• The old Project file is closed.
• Target Component is unloaded
• The environment variable (Path) is added from the Project file.