Remarks – Freescale Semiconductor Microcontrollers User Manual
Page 646

ColdFire V1 Full Chip Simulation Connection
True Time I/O Stimulation
Microcontrollers Debugger Manual
TimedEvent = [ “+” | “#” ] Time AssignmentList.
AssignmentList = { Assignment | Exception}.
PeriodicEvent = “PERIODICAL” Start “,” NbTimes “:” { PerTimedEvent }
“END” .
PerTimedEvent = [“+”] Time AssignmentList .
Exception = “RAISE” Vector “,” Priority [“,” ArbPrio] [“,” Name] “;” .
Assignment = ( ObjectId | ObjectField ) “=” Expression “;”.
Name = ““” {character} “”” .
In this listing, the following parameters apply:
• Expression = a standard ANSI-C expression. The expression accepts object
identifiers previously defined (ObjectSpec and ObjectField).
• Time = a number which represents a number of cycle.
• ObjectSpec = the name of an object as defined in Requirement specification for
Object Pool.
• Vector = the exception vector number.
• Priority = the exception priority number.
• ArbPrio = the arbitration priority of the exception.
• Start = the number of cycle when the periodical event must be called for the first
time after the initial time.
• NbTimes = the number of times the periodical event must be called (0 = infinity).
• Omitting bitRange affects all bits of the object register. Specifying bitRange applies
the mask defined by this bitRange to the value calculated with the Expression. This
value only affects the bits of the object register defined in the bitRange.
• Bits are numbered from right to left (in a byte, bit 7 is the left-most bit). In bitRange,
noOfBits is always less than or equal to StartBit +1.
• The requirement specification defines ObjectSpec for Object Pool as shown below:
ObjectSpec ::= ObjectName [“.” FieldName].
ObjectName ::= Ident [“:” Index].
FieldName ::= IdentNum ( [“..” IdentNum] | [“.” Size] ).
IdentNum ::= Ident | “#“ HexNumber.
Size ::= “B” | “W” | “L”.