Freescale Semiconductor Microcontrollers User Manual
Page 769

Debugger Engine Commands
Debugger Commands
Microcontrollers Debugger Manual
When address and range are omitted, disassembly begins at the address of the
instruction that follows the last instruction that has been disassembled by the most
recent DASM command. If this is the first DASM command of a session,
disassembly begins at the current address in the program counter.
;OBJ: Displays assembler code in hexadecimal.
Debugger engine.
in>dasm 0xf04b
00F04B LDHX #0x0450
00F04E TXS
00F050 CLRX
00F051 STX 0x80
00F053 INC 0x80
00F055 LDX 0x80
00F057 JSR 0xF000
00F05A STX 0x82
00F05C STA 0x81
00F05E LDA #0x17
00F060 CMP 0x80
00F062 BEQ *-20 /abs = F050
00F064 BRA *-19 /abs = F053
00F066 DECX
00F067 DECX
Depending on the target, the above code may vary.
Disassembled instructions are displayed in the Command Line component
window. Therefore, it is necessary to open the Command Line component before
executing this command to see the dumped code.