Freescale Semiconductor Microcontrollers User Manual
Page 634

ColdFire V1 Full Chip Simulation Connection
FCS Visualization Utilities
Microcontrollers Debugger Manual
ESC is the ESC Character (ASCII code 27 decimal).
You can give these commands in the data stream sent from the serial port or virtual SCI
port, but not from the input file or the keyboard. They have an effect only if there are any
connections reading from the input file or writing to the output file.
Use the TERM_Direct function declared in terminal.h to send such commands from
a target via SCI to the terminal.
Listing 28.5
gives the source code in terminal.c.
Listing 28.5 TERM_Direct Source Code
void TERM_Direct(TERM_DirectKind what, const char* fileName) {
/* sets direction of the terminal */
if (what < TERM_TO_WINDOW || what > TERM_APPEND_FILE) return;
TERM_Write(ESC); TERM_Write('h');
TERM_Write((char)(what + '0'));
if (what != TERM_TO_WINDOW && what != TERM_FROM_KEYS) {
TERM_WriteString(fileName); TERM_Write(CR);
In the example, the parameter what is one of the following constants:
• TERM_TO_WINDOW: send output to terminal window
• TERM_TO_BOTH: send output to file and window
• TERM_TO_FILE: send output to file fileName
• TERM_FROM_KEYS: read from keyboard (close input file)
• TERM_FROM_FILE: read input from file fileName
• TERM_APPEND_BOTH: append output to file and window
• TERM_APPEND_FILE: append output to file fileName
See also terminal.h for further details.
ESC “h” “6” filename
Append to existing output file.
ESC “h” “7” filename
Append to existing output file and suppress output to terminal
Table 28.15 Terminal File Control Commands (
Escape Sequence