Status area – Freescale Semiconductor Microcontrollers User Manual

Page 372

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HC08 P&E Multilink/Cyclone Pro Connection

Connection Procedure


Microcontrollers Debugger Manual

monitor mode communications regardless of the security status. As long as the Baud and
Port are correct, and the device has been properly powered, monitor mode entry is
allowed. By ignoring the security check failure you can still use monitor mode, but the
ROM/Flash are not accessible.


If a connection is not established for any reason other than security failure, the
connection dialog box always appears.


The status area of the P&E Connections Manager window consists of one status string
following the Status: label, and seven items which list the state of the last attempt to
connect to a target and pass security. The description for these items is as follows:

• 0 – ICS Hardware loopback detected:

Every ICS or board which supports MON08 has a serial loopback in hardware
which, by connecting the transmit and receive lines, automatically echoes characters
from the PC. A valid character transmitted from the PC is echoed once by the
loopback circuitry on the board and once by the monitor of the target processor itself.
This status indicates whether the first echoed character from the hardware loopback
was received when one of the security bytes was transmitted. If the status is ‘N’,
which indicates that the character was not received, it is most likely due to one of the
following reasons:

– Wrong Com Port specified.

– The baud rate specified was incorrect (probably too low).

– The ICS/Target is not connected.

– No Power to the ICS.

If this status bit returns an ‘N’, you must correct this before analyzing the rest of the
status bits.

• 1 – Device echoed some security bytes:

The monitor resident in a M68HC08 device automatically echoes every incoming
character when it is in monitor mode. A valid character transmitted from the PC is
echoed once by the loopback circuitry on the board and once by the monitor of the
target processor itself. This status indicates whether the second echoed character
from the monitor response was received when one of the security bytes was
transmitted. If the status is ‘N’, which indicates that the character was not received,
or not received properly, it is most likely due to one of the following reasons:

– The baud rate specified was incorrect.

– The part did not start the monitor mode security check on reset. Signals to force

monitor mode may be incorrect.