Freescale Semiconductor Microcontrollers User Manual

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Debugger Engine Commands

Debugger Commands


Microcontrollers Debugger Manual


BS address| function [{mark}]

[P|T[ state]][;cond=”condition”[ state]]

[;cmd=”command”[ state]][;cur=current[ inter=interval]]

[;cdSz=codeSize[ srSz=sourceSize]]

address is the address where the breakpoint is to be set. This address is specified in
ANSI C format. address can also be replaced by an expression as shown in the
example below.

function is the name of the function in which to set the breakpoint.

mark (displayed mark in Source component window) is the mark number where
the breakpoint is to be set. When mark is:

• > 0: the position is relative to the beginning of the function.

• = 0: the position is the entry point of the function (default value).

• < 0: the position is relative to the end of the function.

P, specifies the breakpoint as a permanent breakpoint.

T, specifies the breakpoint as a temporary breakpoint. A temporary breakpoint is
deleted once it is reached.

State is E or D where E is for enabled (state is set by default to E if nothing is
specified), and D is for disabled.

condition is an expression. It matches the Condition field in the Controlpoints
Configuration window for a conditional breakpoint.

command is any Debugger command (at this level, the commands G, GO and
STOP are not allowed). It matches the Command field in the Controlpoints
Configuration window, for associated commands. For the Command function, the
states are E (enabled) or C (continue).

current is an expression. It matches the Current field (Counter) in the
Controlpoints Configuration window, for counting breakpoints.

interval is an expression. It matches the Interval field (Counter) in the
Controlpoints Configuration window, for counting breakpoints.

codeSize is an expression. It is usually a constant number to specify (for security)
the code size of a function where a breakpoint is set. If the size specified does not
match the size of the function currently loaded in the .ABS file, the breakpoint is
set but disabled.

sourceSize is an expression. It is usually a constant number to specify (for
security) the source (text) size of a function where a breakpoint is set. If the size
specified does not match the size of the function in the source file, the breakpoint is
set but disabled.