Multilinkcyclonepro menu description, Device option – Freescale Semiconductor Microcontrollers User Manual
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RS08 P&E Multilink/Cyclone Pro Connection
Connection Procedure
Microcontrollers Debugger Manual
MultilinkCyclonePro Menu Description
When you have selected P&E Multilink/Cyclone Pro as your connection, the Connection
menu’s name is changed and other options are added.
Figure 25.4 Connection (MultilinkCyclonePro) Menu
Device Option
The Device option in the MultilinkCyclonePro menu allows the user to select the
particular Freescale processor that they wish to use. Select Device from the
MultilinkCyclonePro menu to display a submenu that allows you to select the family (e.g.
KA Family), and device type (e.g. MC9RS08KA2) of the MCU that you are using.
Figure 25.5 RS08 Device Extended Menu