Serial peripheral interface module – Freescale Semiconductor Microcontrollers User Manual
Page 457

HCS08 Full Chip Simulation
Peripheral Modules Commands
Microcontrollers Debugger Manual
Serial Peripheral Interface Module
In FCS, this module simulates all functionality of the Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)
module including:
• flag polling
• interrupt enabled mode
• master and slave modes
• slave input clock
• transmission and reception of external data
FCS mode uses the buffered input/output structure to simulate SPI inputs. The user can
queue up to 256 data values into the input buffer. The output buffer of the SPI module can
also hold 256 output values. To queue the SPI Input Data, use the SPDI
the command prompt. If
next slot in the input buffer.
Otherwise a window is displayed with the input buffer values. You can enter input values
while the window is open. An arrow points to the next input value to the SPI. The data
from the SPI input buffer is written to the SPI data register once the SPI module is turned
on and is properly configured for receiving data from an external serial device. Once the
simulation of the data transmission is over, the arrow moves to the next value in the SPI
IN Buffer.
Figure 18.31 SPI IN Buffer Display
SPI data output buffer simulation allows the user to gain access to the past 256 SPI data
values transmitted out of the module. To bring up the SPI OUT buffer dialog box, use the