Target mcu security bytes, Status area, Cycle power up/down radio buttons – Freescale Semiconductor Microcontrollers User Manual
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HC08 ICS P&E Multilink/Cyclone Pro Connections
Connection Procedure
Microcontrollers Debugger Manual
Cycle Power Up/Down Radio Buttons
Cycle Power ICS asks the user to power cycle the board.
This option works for many ICS boards as well, but relies on the fact that while the ICS is
powered off, it holds the target in reset until it is powered up itself and has configured the
MON08 configuration pins. The sequence of events in this mode is:
1. Software automatically powers down the ICS.
2. Software asks the user to power cycle their board as follows:
Figure 15.9 Power Cycle Dialog Box
3. Software automatically powers up the ICS, which configures the processors MON08
configuration pins.
Target MCU Security Bytes
In ICS mode, the user's code is simulated on the PC, and not run from the Non-Volatile
memory of the device. Therefore, there is no need to pass security in this mode of
The status area of the P&E Connection Manager window consists of one status string
following the Status: label, and seven items which list the state of the last attempt to
connect to a target and pass security. The description for these items is as follows:
• 0 – ICS Hardware loopback detected:
Every ICS or board which supports MON08 has a serial loopback in hardware
which, by connecting the transmit and receive lines, automatically echoes characters
from the PC. A valid character transmitted from the PC is echoed once by the
loopback circuitry on the board and once by the monitor of the target processor itself.
This status indicates whether or not the first echoed character from the hardware
loopback was received when one of the security bytes was transmitted. If the status is