Call – Freescale Semiconductor Microcontrollers User Manual
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Debugger Engine Commands
Debugger Commands
Microcontrollers Debugger Manual
Debugger engine.
in>BS 0x8000 T
This command sets a temporary breakpoint at the address 0x8000.
in>BS $8000
This command sets a permanent breakpoint at the address 0x8000.
BS &FIBO.C:Fibonacci
In this example, an expression replaces the address. FIBO.C is the module name
and Fibonacci is the function where the breakpoint is set.
More Examples:
in>BS &main + 22 P E ; cdSz = 66 srSz = 134
Sets a breakpoint at the address of the main procedure + 22, where the code size of
the main procedure is 66 bytes and its source size is 134 characters.
in>BS Fibo.c:main{3}
Sets a breakpoint at the third mark of the procedure main, where main is a
function of the FIBO.C module.
in>BS &counter + 5; cond ="fib1>fib2";cmd="bckcolor red"
Sets a breakpoint at the address of the variable counter + 5, where the condition is
fib1 > fib2 and the command is bckcolor red.
in>BS &Fibo.c:Fibonacci+13
Sets a breakpoint at the address of the Fibonacci procedure + 13, where Fibonacci
is a function of the FIBO.C module.
Executes a command in the specified command file.
If no path is specified, the destination directory is the current project directory.
CALL FileName [;C][;NL]