Freescale Semiconductor Microcontrollers User Manual
Page 513

HCS08 On-Chip DBG Module
Context Menu Entries in Source, Data, Assembly and Memory Windows
Microcontrollers Debugger Manual
Figure 23.10 Expert Triggers in Source, Assembly, Memory and Data Windows
As shown above, expert triggers are stored in the Markpoints tab of the Controlpoints
Configuration window as DBGCA and DBGCB markpoints. These markpoint names are
therefore reserved by the debugger.
The markpoint type INSTRUCTION is automatically selected when the trigger was set
from the Source or the Assembly window.
As for regular triggers, the markpoint types READACCESS, WRITEACCESS or
READWRITEACCESS are automatically selected when the trigger was set from the
Data or the Memory window.
Just as with regular triggers, editing expert triggers through the Markpoints tab in the
Controlpoints Configuration window is not user friendly. However, the Save and
Restore on load option (also available with breakpoints and watchpoints) can be very
useful to automatically save the application with the current DBG module setup and
trigger positions just as they were used in the application.