Installing certificates, Selecting a certificate, Installing certificates selecting a certificate – Xerox VersaLink C500/DN Color Laser Printer User Manual
Page 97: Sseelleeccttiinngg aa c ceerrttiiffiiccaattee

9. To select the certificate as the Device Server Certificate for the Xerox device, in the Network
Security area, click
SSL/TLS Settings
Device Certificate — Server
. Select the appropriate
10. To save the changes, click
IInnssttaalllliinngg C
To ensure that the printer can communicate with other devices over a secure trusted connection, both
devices must have specific certificates installed.
For protocols such as HTTPS, the printer is the server, and must prove its identity to the client Web
browser. For protocols such as 802.1X, the printer is the client, and must prove its identity to the
authentication server, typically a RADIUS server.
For features that use these protocols, perform the following tasks:
• Install a device certificate on the printer.
When the printer uses HTTPS, a Xerox
Device Certificate is created and
installed on the printer automatically.
• Install a copy of the CA certificate that was used to sign the device certificate of the printer on
the other device.
Protocols such as LDAP and IPsec require both devices to prove their identity to each other.
For features that use these protocols, perform the tasks listed under one of the following options:
To install certificates, option 1:
• Install a device certificate on the printer.
• Install a copy of the CA certificate that was used to sign the device certificate of the printer on
the other device.
• Install a copy of the CA certificate that was used to sign the certificate of the other device on the
To install certificates, option 2:
If the other device is using a self-signed certificate, install a copy of the trusted certificate of the
other device on the printer.
SSeelleeccttiinngg aa C
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click
2. In the Certificates area, click
Security Certificates
3. Click
Device Certificates
, then select a category of certificates.
4. In the lower part of the Security Certificates window, click to select a certificate from the list. If
you want to select all the certificates in the list, click
Select/Clear All
5. Click
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