Initial setup in the embedded web server, Assigning a name and location to the printer, Displaying the ipv4 address on the home screen – Xerox VersaLink C500/DN Color Laser Printer User Manual

Page 24: Restricting access to the printer

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Initial Setup in the Embedded Web Server


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The Device Details page displays the printer model information and product code or serial number.
On the Device Details page, you can assign a name and location to the printer. Asset tags let you
enter unique identifiers for inventory management.

1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click



2. In the top right part of the window, click



3. For Device Name, type a name for the printer.

4. For Xerox


Asset Tag and Customer Asset Tag, type unique identifiers as needed.

5. For Location, type the location of the printer.

6. To enter a geographical location for the printer, in the Latitude and Longitude fields, enter the

geographic latitude and longitude coordinates in decimal form. For example, use coordinates
such as 45.325026, -122.766831 for a location.

7. In the System Administrator area, type contact information for your administrator, including

name, email, phone number, and location.

8. Click




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You can set the IPv4 address on the device Home screen.

1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click



2. In the top-right part of the window, click



3. In the Network area, click

Display Network on Home


4. Click

Display IPv4 Address


5. Click



The IPv4 address appears on the device Home screen.

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To restrict access to the printer, you can configure the Printing User Roles. You can edit an existing
role or create a custom Printing User Role.


To edit or create a Printing User Role, the printer requires that you change the

administrator password from its default value. For details, refer to

Changing the System

Administrator Password


To create a custom Printing User Role, refer to

Creating a Custom Printing User Role


To edit an existing Printing User Role:

1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click



2. Click


Printing User Roles







Series Multifunction and Single Function Printers

System Administrator Guide

Initial Setup