Configuring snmpv3, Editing snmpv3 properties, Ccoonnffiigguurriinngg ssn nm mppvv33 – Xerox VersaLink C500/DN Color Laser Printer User Manual

Page 72: Eeddiittiinngg ssn nm mppvv33 pprrooppeerrttiieess

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10. You can set Trap Destinations for LAN1 and Wi-Fi. For Trap Destination:

• Click an available field.

• Select the address type. Options include IPv4, IPv6, or Host Name.

• For IP Address/Host Name and Port, type the IP address or the network host name for the

Trap Destination, then type the port number.

• For Trap Community Name, type a name.

• For Traps to Be Received, select the traps that the SNMP manager receives. For each item,

enable the toggle button.

• Click



11. Click




Coonnffiigguurriinngg SSN



SNMPv3 is the current standard version of SNMP defined by the Internet Engineering Task Force
(IETF). SNMPv3 provides three important security features:

• Message integrity to ensure that tampering with a packet does not occur during transit

• Authentication to verify that the message is from a valid source

• Encryption of packets to prevent unauthorized access


• Ensure that HTTPS SSL communication is enabled. For details, refer to

Configuring HTTP

Settings in the Embedded Web Server


• To use SNMPv3 in FIPS Mode, enable FIPS 140-2. For details, refer to

FIPS 140-2


EEddiittiinngg SSN


MPPvv33 PPrrooppeerrttiieess


• To change the settings for SNMPv3, first enable HTTPS (SSL) communication. For details,

refer to

Enabling HTTPS at the Control Panel


• To use SNMPv3 in FIPS mode, first enable FIPS 140-2. For details, refer to

FIPS 140-2


1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click



2. In the Protocols area, click



3. For Port, select the toggle button.

4. Click



5. For Enable (Read), select the toggle button.

6. To enable write access, for Write, select the toggle button.

7. To enable the system administrator account, for System Administrator Account, select the toggle







Series Multifunction and Single Function Printers

System Administrator Guide

Network Connectivity