Server fax, Configuring a server fax filing repository, Configuring a fax repository using ftp or sftp – Xerox VersaLink C500/DN Color Laser Printer User Manual
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Server Fax
Server fax allows you to send a fax over a network to a fax server. The fax server sends the fax to a fax
machine over a phone line.
Before you can send a server fax, configure a fax filing repository or filing location. The fax server
retrieves the documents from the filing location, then transmits the files over the telephone network.
You can print a confirmation report.
Coonnffiigguurriinngg aa SSeerrvveerr FFaaxx FFiilliinngg RReeppoossiittoorryy
Before you can send a server fax, configure fax repository settings. When configured, the printer
transfers faxed images to the repository. The fax server sends the fax to the destination over a phone
You can set up a repository that uses one of the following protocols:
Coonnffiigguurriinngg aa FFaaxx RReeppoossiittoorryy U
Ussiinngg FFTTPP oorr SSFFTTPP
Before you begin:
• Ensure that FTP or SFTP services are running on the server or computer where images faxed by the
printer are stored. Note the IP address or host name.
• Create a user account and password for the printer. When you use the server fax feature, the
printer logs in using the account, transfers the file to the server or computer, then logs out. Note
the user account and password.
• In the FTP or SFTP root directly, create a directory to use as a fax repository. Note the directory
To configure a fax repository using FTP or SFTP:
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click
2. In the Installed Apps area, click
Server Fax
3. For Display on Device, click
4. For Server and Protocol, click
. From the list, select
5. To enable FTP or SFTP, for
Client Port
, click the toggle button.
6. To select a transfer mode for FTP, click
Transfer Mode
, then select an option.
Passive Mode
: This option transfers data over a random port specified by the FTP server from
a connection made from the printer.
Active Mode
: This option transfers data over a fixed, known port from a connection made
from the server.
7. Click
Series Multifunction and Single Function Printers
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