Setting up a file repository, Configuring template pool repository settings – Xerox VersaLink C500/DN Color Laser Printer User Manual
Page 199

3. To enable a proxy server, in the Extensible Interface Platform area, click the
Use Device Proxy
toggle button.
4. Click the
Proxy Server
5. To enable a proxy server, click the
Proxy Server
toggle button.
6. If your printer has both Wi-Fi and Ethernet enabled, in the Proxy Server area, click
Proxy Setup
then select an option.
• To configure a single proxy server for both Wi-Fi and Ethernet, click
Common Proxy
• To configure separate proxy servers for Wi-Fi and Ethernet, click
Different Proxies
If your printer does not have both Wi-Fi and Ethernet enabled, the Proxy
Setup setting does not appear.
7. Click
, then select the method for configuring the proxy server.
• To use automatic settings for the proxy server, click
• To use a configured default proxy settings script, click
Configuration Script
, then type the
URL to acquire the script.
• To enter settings manually, click
Manual Address
, then enter the configuration details for the
proxy server.
8. If needed, in the HTTP window, edit other configuration settings.
9. Click
SSeettttiinngg U
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A template contains scan settings and at least one destination for the scanned image files. You can
associate a scan template with your service or use the default template.
To configure File Repositories:
1. In the Embedded Web Server, log in as administrator, then click
2. Click
EIP Settings
3. In the Scan Template Settings area, click
File Repositories
4. In the File Repository area, click an item in the list.
If there are no repositories in the list:
1. Click the
icon (
), then select a protocol.
2. Enter the configuration information.
3. Click
Coonnffiigguurriinngg TTeem
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If you use a scanning management application, such as SMARTsend or ScanFlowStore, provide
information about the server that hosts the templates on this page.
1. In the Embedded Web Server, click
2. Click
EIP Settings
3. In the Scan Template Settings area, select
Other Settings
4. In the Template Pool area, click
Series Multifunction and Single Function Printers
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