Data archive (das config), 5 data archive (das config) [ das config, Das enable – SMA Sunny Boy Control User Manual

Page 88: Meas. intervalš, 15min, Max. storage, 10days, Chan. select

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Sunny Boy Control

SMA Technologie AG

User Manual



6.5 Data Archive (DAS Config)


‡DAS Enable…



Meas. IntervalŠ


Timespan for averaging

Max. Storage…


Available archiving period (before older data is overwritten)


„Chan. Select.

Selecting measuring channels

Fig. 6.27: Data archive menu “DAS Config”

If “DAS Enable” is set to “Off”, no data will be archived. If set to “On”, system data
will be archived provided communication with the system is possible. If set to “Perma-
nent”, data will be archived continuously, even at night or when no device can be
reached. “Meas. Interval” sets the measuring interval (i.e., the period of time for
which measured values are averaged). The measuring interval can be set between 0
and 240 minutes. If set to 0, the spot values are stored without averaging. The mini-
mum storage time is 5 – 60 seconds, depending on the number of connected de-
vices. “Max. Storage” indicates for how long data can be stored in the memory
before the oldest data will be overwritten. This value depends on the measuring inter-
val, the number of selected channels, and the number of inverters.

Channel Selection

Measuring channels are the data channels that are selected for storage. Any data
channel can be made a measuring channel. The Sunny Boy Control’s default measur-
ing channels for each device are a good selection, suitable for most applications.
However, you can modify the default setting to match your requirements.

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