Noise suppression, 2 noise suppression – SMA Sunny Boy Control User Manual
Page 145

Sunny Boy Control
SMA Technologie AG
User Manual
9.2.2 Noise suppression
When Powerline communication is temporarily interrupted or cannot even be estab-
lished, the causing interference has to be suppressed from the transmission line as
Identify the noise source(s)
Ideally, the starting point of this procedure should be an operational
transmission. To that effect, you should disconnect all electric devices that
are sharing the same line as the Sunny Boy Control. Often it is not enough
to just switch them off. Do not leave out three-phase appliances. If possi-
ble, switch off the fuses of the remaining circuits in the house. Next, using
an extension cord, connect the Sunny Boy Control to the outlet nearest the
inverter in terms of wire length.
Start the function "Diagnosis…Communication" (see chapter 5) and se-
lect the device to be monitored. The Sunny Boy Control now tries to com-
municate with the device and continuously informs you about the transmis-
sion results so that you can immediately identify transmission failures.
Plug the extension cord into other outlets on the line that you are analyz-
ing, gradually increasing the distance to the inverter, and each time check
whether the transmission is still operational. A communication failure within
a distance of less than 90 m / 100 ft to the inverter indicates interference
from devices outside of the house. The countermeasure in this case consists
of a wave trap installed to the main branch.
Now switch the house circuits back on one by one and check if any com-
munication failures occur.
In the case of a communication failure, disconnect one by one all electric
devices on the circuit that caused the failure, in order to identify the disturb-
ing device.
Leave any disturbing devices disconnected and continue switching circuits
back on and reconnecting devices until all devices, except the disturbing
ones, are reconnected.