Field support utilities, Fe switch activation and deactivation, Field support menu – Visara LINCS Central Control User Manual

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14. Field Support Utilities

This section describes the field support utilities, available as part of Central Control. To access
these utilities, the FE switch must be activated.

FE Switch Activation and Deactivation

The FE switch is a logical switch, not a physical switch. The FE switch may be turned on two
different ways and may also be turned off two different ways. Each way of turning on the
switch yields equivalent results. The passwords referred to are available to authorized support
personnel and customers that perform self maintenance only.

• Offline Method - The FE switch may be turned on using Offline Utility 23, and turned

off using Offline Utility 24, using the offline FE password when prompted.

• Online Method - The FE switch may be turned on or off while the LINCS node is online

by use of a special online FE procedure.

Field Support Menu

Field Support Menu

LINCS C8.2 Central Control




Memory Menu


Traffic Monitor Menu


Slot Population Table


Coax R/W Test


Activate/Deactivate All Features

Select Item:

Depress Enter

PF: 1-Menu

To select a utility from this menu, type the desired item number and press the Enter key.

Memory Menu

The Memory Menu gives access to specific areas in memory, such as image buffers and data
areas. Many of the data areas cannot be readily decoded by field personnel. When this
information is needed to resolve a problem, a Dump disk should be taken to accompany the
problem report when it is reported to the next level of technical support. Note that Screen
Image Buffers are not included on the Dump disk when taken. If these are needed, you may
need to access the Memory menu and make printouts of this information.

Memory Menu

LINCS C8.2 Central Control




Dump Memory


LU Table


Device Table


Line Table

Select Item:

Depress Enter

PF: 1-Menu