Visara LINCS Central Control User Manual

Page 133

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Chapter 13. Communications Menu


Source Network (RIP)

This field indicates the source direct connect network that this destination network was learned
from. The Source and Destination Network will be the same for a direct connect network or
the internal IPX network. If the source and destination networks are different, another router
is used to access this network (See the Router Node field for the node address of the router on
the source network).


This field indicates the LAN board line type and occurrence for the source direct connect
network or internal IPX network. Line types will be:

• internal for the Internal IPX Network
• TRCx for a Token Ring LAN board
• ETHx for a Ethernet LAN board

(where x indicates the board occurrence, e.g. TRC1 = 1st Token Ring LAN board).

Router Node

If this network entry is for a remote external network, this field will indicate the Node Address
of the router which provides access to the destination network. For all direct connect networks
and the internal IPX network, this field will be set to 000000000000.


This field indicates the status of the network entry. Possible status values are:

• Unavailable: If this Network entry is for a Direct Connect Network, this network is not

accessible by the LAN board at this time. If this Network entry is for a remote external
network, the Network entry has either been Aged out (No RIP Broadcast received,
indicating that the network is still accessible - See the Age field) or the router used to
access this network has indicated that it is no longer able to access the destination
network (HOPs field is greater than or equal to 16 decimal). For remote external
networks, this network entry will be deleted after the direct connect networks have
been notified that this destination network is no longer available.

• Primary Route: This status indicates that this route is the current primary (best) route to

the destination network. The primary route is always used when routing IPX packets.
The primary route is based on, in order of importance: the route with the lowest TICKs,
lowest HOPs, highest network transfer rate (16Mbps Token Ring, 10 Mbps Ethernet, 4
Mbps Token Ring), and protocol (802.2, SNAP, Ethernet V2, Ethernet 802.3). If multiple
routes exist with equal TICKs, HOPs, network transfer rates, and protocols, the first
destination network path registered with RIP will be the primary.

• Alternate Route: This status indicates that this is currently a alternate route to the

destination network. An alternate route is also an indication that a looped network
(multiple paths to the destination network) exists. In order to be registered with RIP as
an alternate route network entry in the RIP Routing Information Table, the TICKs count
must equal that of the Primary Route.

• Not Best Route: An entry with this status indicates that a new/better route to the

destination network has been found. This Network entry or path to the destination
network will be deleted from the RIP Routing Information Table after the better route
has been broadcast to the network.

The Status field for the Internal IPX Network will always indicate Primary Route.