Visara LINCS Central Control User Manual

Page 136

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LINCS Central Control



This field indicates the number of routers that a packet must pass through to reach the
destination server. If this field indicates a value greater than or equal to 16 decimal, then this
entry has either Aged out or the router/server supplying access to this server has broadcast
the server as UNAVAILABLE.


This field indicates the RIP best route HOPs to the destination network in which this server
resides. If this field indicates a value greater than or equal to 16 (decimal), this entry is no
longer accessible because the only known route to the destination network has either Aged
out or the router supplying access to this server network has broadcast the network as


This field indicates the RIP best route TICKs to the destination network in which this server
resides. TICKs provide an estimate of the amount of time that it takes to transfer a packet to
the destination network. One TICK is equal to 1/18th of a second (18.21 TICKs per second).

SAP Service Status

This field indicates the status of the Service entry. Possible status values are:

• Unavailable - The Service entry has either been Aged out (No SAP Broadcast received,

indicating that the server is still accessible - See the Age field), the server itself has
broadcast the service as UNAVAILABLE (SAP HOPs field set to greater than or equal
to 16 decimal), or the router used to access the destination network on which the server
resides has indicated that it is no longer able to access the destination network (RIP
HOPs field set to greater than or equal to 16 decimal). This Network entry will be
deleted after the direct connect networks have been notified that this server is no longer

• Primary Service - This service is the current primary or best route to the destination

network and service. If multiple routes exist to the server, with equal RIP TICKs, RIP
HOPs, and SAP HOPs, the first destination network path registered with SAP will be
the primary.

• Alternate Service - This service is currently an alternate route to the destination network