3270 lu number display, Lcd message when all comm links okay, Machine check options – Visara SCON-20L Configuration Manual User Manual
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SCON-20L/22L/25L/28L Configuration Manual
When LINCS has been IMLed with a default configuration (such as the first time
LINCS is IMLed, or if the Config key is pressed at state 500), there will not be a
supervisor password defined. You may also choose not to define a password. If no
password is in effect, ANY user may enter the password-protected utilities. Using a
password is strongly recommended.
If the Configuration utility is entered for display purposes only (i.e., not entered for
update), then the supervisor password will not be displayed. If entered in update mode,
then the password will be displayed, and can be updated.
Machine Check Options
This field determines what LINCS will do if a machine-check condition occurs.
Options are:
• Dump and No IML (default) - Dump data will be written to the disk, but LINCS
will not re-IML.
• Dump and IML - Dump data will be written to the disk, and then LINCS will
• No Dump and No IML - LINCS takes no action.
• No Dump and IML - LINCS simply re-IMLs.
It is recommended that you select the Dump and IML option in most cases.
The LINCS Operating System will dump to the hard drive C. Up to 8 dumps may
reside on the hard drive at on time, each in a separate dump directory. You can copy
the dump file to diskette(s) using the Copy Data Objects utility on the Media
Management menu in Central Control Mode, or FTP the dumps off through the
network interface.
LCD Message When All Comm Links Okay
This message displays when the SCON-2XL is powered up and all configured
communications interfaces are communicating as they should.
3270 LU Number Display
This field has the following toggle options:
• Hex - This is the default option. If selected, 3270 LU numbers will be displayed in
hexadecimal format throughout all Central Control Utilities. This option is
recommended when configuring SCON platforms.
• Decimal - 3270 LU numbers will be displayed in decimal format throughout all
Central Control Utilities.